Capturing Stories from a Pivotal Part of Peterborough's Industry
Eastern Angles Theatre Company's project interviewed employees of Freemans, produced a community show and now a touring exhibit...
Eastern Angles Theatre Company's project interviewed employees of Freemans, produced a community show and now a touring exhibit...
The Freemans Five
"I was reading a woman's magazine and I thought well there's something in this equal pay thing..."
All Wrapped Up in Westwood
We chatted to past employees, including pickers, packers, warehousemen, union reps, conveners, office staff, cooks, managers...
These players performed over 2 weeks with a professional team at The Undercroft in Serpentine Green, Peterborough
Audiences who saw All Wrapped Up in Westwood & Unwrapped by UROCK Theatre Company
The Freemans Exhibition is going on tour. Find out where you can discover the stories in your local area...
Did you work at Freemans? Have you got a story to tell? Get in touch!
Did you work or know someone who worked at Freemans from 1969-2009?
Download the Education Pack to accompany All Wrapped Up in Westwood
Find out about the theatre company on their website